Retirement Planning Workshop

Shasta County Residents Preparing to Retire:

Failing to plan, is planning to fail. So, don’t take any chances with your retirement. You only retire once which is why planning ahead and preparing well is key to optimizing your income in retirement and ultimately having the retirement you always dreamed of. Please join us for a no obligation free Retirement Workshop to learn how you can prepare and hopefully keep as many dollars in your pocket during your retirement as possible. 

What is Covered?

Session on Estate Planning
Ted Thatcher - Senior Advisor



Ted Thatcher is the president of Bright Lake Wealth Management. As a financial advisor, he also serves as the president of the American Financial Education Alliance [AFEA – 501(c)(3)] Medford, Oregon, and Redding, California, chapters. The passion he has for his field was born from the love of his family and preparing for their future. He cherishes each of them, from his wife, Kassandra, to his sons, Ethan and Lincoln, and daughter, Olivia.

Ted’s passion for his family overflows to his office. He prides himself on creating an education-focused environment where the passion he has for his own family’s future can be mirrored and focused on you and your future goals. As a financial advisor, it is Ted’s goal that each person he meets has a written plan to help protect his or her retirement. He focuses on those who are just beginning to see retirement on the horizon, those just beginning their retirement and those who are already retired. It is Ted’s sincere desire that everyone possesses the confidence so many people only hope to have in their retirement. He believes this confidence is achieved by executing a written plan he calls the Pine Brook Financial Roadmap.

It is with tools like this that Ted has helped people grow and preserve their retirement assets. He aims to create a welcoming, service-oriented environment, which he found was always present where he grew up in the Midwest.

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